
Pulse Train Hat Python API

This API contains classes for the Pulse Train Hat module sold by CNC Design Ltd.

This contains :class:’PTHat’ class. This class provides all the primary functionality for the serial command interface as well as all general commands. It basically builds the commands and sends them to the serial port as specified in the command interface at

It includes the ability to run both instant and buffered commands. All commands currently existing for the PTHat are included in the API.

It also contains supporting classes for :class:’Axis’, :class:’ADC’, :class:’AUX’ and :class:’PWM’ commands. Each of the supporting classes extend the PTHat class.

from pthat.pthat import Axis

def wait_for_responses(axis, responses_to_check, msg):
    responses = axis.get_all_responses()
    while not all(x in responses for x in responses_to_check):
        responses = responses + axis.get_all_responses()

    # Print the responses

steps_per_rev = int(input("How many steps per revolution [1600]? ") or "1600")
total_revolutions = int(input("How many total revolutions [50]? ") or "50")
rpm = int(input("How many RPMs [500]? ") or "500")
direct = input("Direction (Forward = F, Reverse = R) [F]? ") or "F"
direction = 0
if direct.upper() == "F":
    direction = 0
    direction = 1

xaxis = Axis("X", command_id=1, serial_device="/dev/ttyS0")
xaxis.debug = True

# Setup the axis with values to start the motor
frequency = xaxis.rpm_to_frequency(rpm=rpm, steps_per_rev=steps_per_rev, round_digits=3)
pulse_count = xaxis.calculate_pulse_count(steps_per_rev, total_revolutions)
set_axis_cmd = xaxis.set_axis(frequency=frequency, pulse_count=pulse_count, direction=direction,
                              start_ramp=1, finish_ramp=1, ramp_divide=100, ramp_pause=10, enable_line_polarity=1)
# Get the responses - look for both responses to be returned before continuing
wait_for_responses(xaxis, ["RI01CX*", "CI01CX*"], "------- Set axis command responses -------")

# Start the motor
# Check for both reply and complete responses to be returned
wait_for_responses(xaxis, ["RI01SX*", "CI01SX*"], "------- Start command responses -------")

# Get the pulse count
# The response should come back with 3 replies
wait_for_responses(xaxis, ["RI01XP*", "CI01XP*"], "------- Get pulse count command responses -------")